Frequently Asked Questions

“Where are you located?”

We are located in Lowell, Arkansas, but serve clients all over Northwest Arkansas, Northeast Oklahoma, Southwest Missouri, and Southeast Kansas. We are available for travel worldwide.

“I don’t have the time to plan a portrait session, and if I did I wouldn’t know where to have the session take place or what to wear.”

That is the beauty of working with Kerry & Ashley Photography. During your phone or in-person consultation we will ask you key questions to determine the style of your session. From there we will help completely customize your portrait session, and can even do all of the planing for you. If you aren’t sure where to have your session take place, not to worry, we have scouted out an assortment of beautiful locations outdoors. Some clients love the idea of having their portrait session take place at their home or even in-studio.

If you need help deciding what to wear we can come to your home and curate the perfect outfits from your closets, go shopping with you for new clothing or you can simply text us pictures of clothing you already own so we can help guide you to finding the perfect attire.

“My kids don’t listen very well, are too squirmy, and aren’t going to cooperate for portraits. Should I wait until they’re older?”

No! Plain and simple. You want to capture your child at the stage they are in now. Over the years we have seen it all. Having children of our own we understand the temperament, and constant changes in behavior that can take place even over a five minute time period. My (Ashley’s) degree in early childhood education comes into play, and helps me to understand children and to get on their level. We pride ourselves on getting to know each child, and having them grow comfortable around us so we are able to capture genuine expressions of your children and the love you share.